Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Other Half

Today I'm in the office. Not my office: my wife's. My home-time Pirate Queen is a day time marketing admiral. Her vessel: GalaxE Solutions. So she's a space pirate. 

But that's not why I'm here. It's just part of what makes her cool. That and her wicked smile. Oh, and her nachos...

No, I'm here because we have personal business mixing in our daily business. While I normally soak up the Starbucks, today our two cat one car family sops in the corporate--sans cats. All while handling personal stuff.  

It's life. 

And today I watch hers in action. My Queen dances from meeting to meeting to phone meeting to conference table. I jitter just following the frenzy with my eyes. Or, maybe that's the coffee. 

Either way, I'm amazed. She could power a laptop with that motion. I suggested that to her. She gave me a suggestion of her own. 

I explained that if I could do what she suggested, I wouldn't have time to write. 

She just gave me a pirate scowl. 

I think it's time to write now. 

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